What are the characteristics of the words that are used in meditation? This short podcast explains why and how a particular combination of syllables can help someone move on the path of human perfection.
This podcast is an explanation of the eight limbs of yoga practice as formulated by Patainjali around 200 years BCE. The presenter is Dada Vedaprajinananda.
The eight limbs mentioned in the podcast are:
1. Yama – practices of controlled contact whose result is to bring a person in harmony with the society around him or her. These practices are : 1. Ahimsa, 2. Satya 3. Asteya 4. Brahmacarya and 5. Aparigraha (listen to the podcast for the explanation!) 2. Niyama – practices whose result is inner purification. The components of Niyama are 1. Shaoca 2. Santosa 3. Tapah 4. Svadhyaya 5. Iishvara Pranidhana 3. Asana – yoga postures 4. Pranayama – control of vital energy 5. Pratyahara – withdrawal from sensory stimuli 6. Dharana – concentration of mind at particular points 7. Dhyana – meditation, making the mind move in an unbroken flow towards the Supreme Consciousness 8. Samadhi – absorption of mind and unit consciousness in the Supreme Consciousness