In this episode Dada Vedaprajinananda (Dada Veda) demonstrates how to do meditation with the universal mantra (Baba Nam Kevalam “Only the name of the most Beloved” or “Love is All There Is”)
If you are new to meditation, maybe in the first few weeks, you may feel like nothing is happening or perhaps you are doing something wrong. Dada Veda explains why this is natural, but shows how underneath the surface your meditation is actually helping you to reach your goal of finding inner peace and greater mental well being. If you want to contact Dada directly go to and visit the contact page. #meditation#meditationpractice#meditationforbeginners#meditationtips
Dada Vedaprajinananda (aka Dada Veda) addresses the question what is dharma, and explains how Dharma isthe basic characteristic of humans: it explains why humans need mental expansion, how we can become one with the Cosmic flow, why we serve others and how we merge with the Supreme Consciousness.
This podcast series can also be found on all audio platforms (search for Ananda Marga Dharmacast), at its website and on YouTube ( ) If you want to contact Dada go to the website
Dada Vedaprajinananda (aka Dada Veda) looks at the divine spark or witnessing consciousness within each being which is known as the atman. This podcast series can also be found on all audio platforms (search for Ananda Marga Dharmacast) or at its website
The video series is located at
If you want to contact Dada go to the website
Success in meditation depends on our everyday living which is described in Yoga’s “Yama and Niyama)
Yama describes five areas of bringing and individual in harmony with the environment and society, and Niyama shows the way to internal harmony and purity.
This is based on Shrii Shrii Anandamurti’s book “A Guide to Human Conduct”
Contact Dada at Visit the audio podcasts at or subscribe to them on all audio platforms, search for “Ananda Marga Dharmacast”
Dada Veda shares seven basic tips that can help you get started and become established in the practice of meditation. If you have additional tips or would like to share things which have helped you, put them down in the comments section.
To attend a retreat in person with Dada visit
We are looking at Shiva’s guidelines for achieving spiritual success. Dada Vedaprajinananda goes over the main points based on discourses given by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti in Ananda Vacanamrtam Parts 3 and 12. To contact Dada Veda directly visit and go to the contact page. Please subscribe to the audio podcast and to the YouTube channel
Karma and reincarnation are the subject of this video. Dada Vedaprajinananda (Dada Veda) looks at this topic using a discourse of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti (“Extra Cerebral Memory” published in Ananda Vacanamrtam Part 6)
If you want to read the original article quoted here visit an Ananda Marga Center and see if they have Ananda Vacanamrtam Part 6. If that is not possible contact Dada via email to get a pdf (visit to get contact information)
We are looking at the ten characteristics of dharma, or to put it another way the ten characteristics of people following a dharmic or spiritual life. It is based on a Sanskrit couplet: Dhrti-kśamá-damoʼsteyaḿ-shaocamendriyanigrahah, Dhiirvidyásatyamakrodho dashakaḿ dharmalakśańam And the ten characteristics are as follows:
1. Dhriti – patience
2. Ks’ama – forgiveness
3. Damah – self-control
4. Asteya – non-stealing
5. Shaoca – internal and external cleanliness
6. Indiya Nigraha – control of motor and sensory organs
7. Dhii – benevolent intellect
8. Vidya’ – spiritual knowledge
9. Satyam – absolute truth
10. Akrodha – non-anger
This talk is based on a discourse of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti “The Ten Characteristics of Dharma” Published in: Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 8 Dada Veda can be contacted through this website: #yogapodcast #anandamarga #anandamurti #spiritualpodcasts #dharma